Last Update:2022-01-07

HS6ST2 encodes heparan sulfate-glucosamine 6-sulfotransferase 2. Heparan sulfate is composed from disaccharide units of HexA and GlcNAc/GlcNSO3 with sulfation. HS6ST catalyzes the sulfation of N-sulfated GlcNAc at C6 position. HS6ST has three types of isoenzymes in humans, and their expression tissues and substrate specificities are different. Although there are two isoforms of HS6ST2 with different lengths (HS6ST-2, HS6ST-2S), their substrate specificities are different. The full-length isoform HS6ST-2 transfers sulfate to GlcNSO3 in the Ido(2SO4)-GlcNSO3 unit, whereas HS6ST-2S transfers sulfate to GlcNSO3 in the GlcA-GlcNSO3 unit in addition to the Ido(2SO4)-GlcNSO3 unit.

Keyword: heparan sulfate ,  heparin ,  proteoglycan ,  sulfotransferase


GGDB Symbol HS6ST2    Alias
Designationheparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 2
OrganismHomo sapiens
GeneID 90161
HGNC HS6ST2 (19133)
mRNA NM_147174
Protein NP_671703
GlyCosmos Glycogenes HS6ST2
OMIM 300545
Disease name
Human Protein Atlas ENSG00000171004
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Orthologous Gene

Acceptor Substrates (Reference)

Acceptor Substrates (KEM-C)


RNA Expression from Human Protein Atlas
This RNA expression data uses "HPA data" from the Human Protein Atlas. Tissue RNA Expression

data available from v22.proteinatlas.org

Expression (Reference)

Gene Ontology

This page does not indicate all of the enzymatic reaction, and expression of "HS6ST2".