Lectin ID LfDB0221
Molecular Structure
Interaction Graph [GlycanList PDF TEXT ]

Lectin Name ACA
Pfam Family
Monosaccharide Specificity GalNAc  
Common Name (Scientific Name) Grain Amaranthus, Inca Wheat, Tassel flower ( Amaranthus caudatus )
Japanese Name [Family] アマランサス, センニンコク, ヒモゲイトウ [ヒユ科]
Kingdom Plant
Organ seed
Number of CRD 1
3D-fold β-trefoil
External Link GenBank: AF404179
Pfam: PF07468 12358
LfDB RDF version: LfDB0221

  1 maglpvimcl ksnnnqkylr yqsdniqqyg llqfsadkil dplaqfevep
 51 sktydglvhi ksrytnkylv rwspnhywit asanepdenk snwactlfkp
101 lyveegnmkk vrllhvqlgh ytqnytvggs fvsylfaess qidtgskdvf
151 hvidwksifq fpkryvtfkg nngkylgvit inqlpclqfg ydnlndpkva
201 hemfvtsngt icikstymnk fwrlstddwi lvdgndpret neaaalfrsd
251 vhdfnvisll nmqktwfikr ftsgkpgfin cmnaatqnvd etaileiiel
301 gsnn

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