About Lectin Frontier DataBase (LfDB)
Significance of LfDB
Lectin Frontier
DataBase (LfDB) provides quantitative interaction data in terms of the
affinity constants (Ka) of a series of lectins toward a panel
of pyridylaminated (PA) glycans obtained by an automated frontal affinity
chromatography with fluorescence detection (FAC-FD) system (Fig. 1). Since the
data are accurate and reliable, providing the absolute values of sugar-protein
interactions, LfDB would be a valuable resource in the studies of glycan-related
Present status of LfDB
LfDB consists of the Lectin Information Page to provide the basic information on lectins and the Interaction Page to provide the interaction data obtained by the FAC-FD system. Interaction data are shown in a bar graph format by either an actual measurement (V-V0) or an association constant (Ka). LfDB also provides a "1-parameter" function that helps to find a key structural element among the related glycan structures.
Future perspectives
LfDB will be updated to provide more information on the glycan-binding properties of lectins identified from various organisms. Data of other glycan-binding proteins, such as anti-glycan antibodies, will also be included in the future.
The production of those experimental data is supported by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).
The construction of this database is supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT).
The network security and Web Application Security are supported by Tsukuba Advanced Computing Center(TACC), AIST.