GlycoGene list

The top page of GGDB displays a list of glycogenes.
On the right side, glycogenes are displayed in alphabetical order. On the left side, text search and faceted search are available. You can use these functions to narrow down the list of glycogenes.


In GGDB, you can useable to text search by search form.


By entering any string in this search form, you can narrow down the relateing glycogenes. In the example, “fut” is entered in the search form, and the hit glycogenes are narrowed down.


You can also narrow down your search using the glycan structure IDs JCGGG-STR (e.g. JCGGG-STR026209) and GlyTouCan ID (GTCID) (e.g. G43547MI).


search !

This faceted search is available to narrow down the search from various facets.


Currently, GGDDB offers the following 6 types of faceted searches.

  1. Family
  2. Pathway Class
  3. Keyword
  4. Donor
  5. Expression
  6. Genetic Disease

For example, clicking Fucosyltransferase in Family will narrow down the list of glycogenes related to Fucosyltransferase. In addition, by clicking N-glycan in Pathway Class, you can narrow down the list by adding the condition of N-glycan.


Within the same group (two or more selections in Familiy), the search will be OR, but between different groups (Family + Pathway Class), the search will be AND. To reset filters, click Reset All Filters at the top of the list.